Online 8th Grade School

Online Middle School + Unlimted Online Tutoring Included

  1. Our online middle school curriculum prepares 6th-8th grade students for success in high school and beyond. Learn about LUOA's middle school online program.
  2. Students engage in interactive skill-based content in 6th grade, and can move into advanced preparatory coursework in 8th grade. Through this progression, online middle schools are designed to prepare students for success at the high school level.

Excel’s Middle School Division, provides online middle school courses with your child’s success in mind. Excel Middle School offers online courses for grades six (6), seven (7), and eight (8) that bridge the gap between elementary school and high school. Whether your child chooses to attend online high school at Excel High School or another private or public high school, rest assured that attending Excel Middle School will ensure that your child is well prepared for upper school.

The middle school years are critical for a successful transition into high school. Students must develop stronger study skills and will become better at time management. Middle school courses are more rigorous and will demand more time spent on completing coursework. During middle school, students identify their academic strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to ensure that students are well supported and nurtured. In many cases, middle school forms the very foundation for high school and beyond.

Online 8th Grade School Free

If you are considering having your child attend Excel Middle School online, we believe that you are making an excellent choice. Excel provides the curriculum, grade reporting, and academic support, while you provide daily encouragement for your child and ensure that your child is participating each day as a full-time middle school student. Consider Excel Middle School as your partner in your child’s Middle School education.


Eighth grade history at Challenger focuses on U.S. History from Reconstruction to the present day. Students study concepts like totalitarianism, welfare state, property rights, and capitalism. They become proficient in explaining the causes and effects of events and are able to apply this understanding to their own lives. #1 Best Online High Schools in America Niche User: The Stanford Online High School has been great for both of our kids (one all four years of HS full time, the other 8th grade + all four years of HS full time)! The environment is friendly for students. So they get interest in learning new things.

What is it like Attending Middle School Online?

Online middle school courses at Excel Middle School are interesting, fun, challenging, and rewarding. Students are encouraged to learn and grow every step of the way. Excel’s core courses: English, Math, Science, and Social Studies are direct video instruction, so your child is presented with a video lecture for each lesson. Excel Middle School offers a wide selection of courses to meet your child's specific learning needs. Six grade students at Excel generally take 4-courses per term, while seventh and eighth-grade students take five to six courses per semester. Students at Excel Middle School follow a standard ten-month school year. Each online course has a pace chart that helps students stay on track of their studies and complete assignments on time.

Free Online School 8th Grade Science

Parents should know that in many ways online middle school is very different than a traditional classroom, whereby, parents will need to check-in with their child daily to ensure their child is engaging in their online courses and staying on track. The Parent Portal is a handy tool that helps parents track student progress.

Online middle school is more flexible than traditional middle school, which is a significant benefit, but students and parents need to stay motivated to remain on pace. Online teachers will not contact you daily regarding missing assignments, so students and parents need to keep track of daily assignments. The other advantage to online middle school at Excel is that your child gets a front-row seat. When questions arise, you will always have a friendly, highly-qualified, instructor to provide support. When your child needs help, you can be sure that you will receive exceptional service from our staff. Teachers and parents work together to ensure that your child is learning and progressing.

Is Online Middle School a Good Option for your Child?

Online 8th grade schooling

This is a question that only you and your child can answer. You are the best judge of whether your child can work well in an independent, self-paced learning environment, independent of constant direct support. If this is your child’s first exposure to online school, it may take a little time to get used to the online learning format and self-pacing. Parents that are home with their child on a frequent basis may find that their child performs better with online schooling. If you are wondering if online middle school is a good fit for your child, we encourage you to call the school office at 800-620-3844 or 952-465-3700 and discuss options with a school counselor.

What is your role as a parent?

Parents play a critical role in their child’s success in online middle school. When students transition from elementary school to middle school, the workload increases. This is a transitionary time when students look to their parents for support with their online courses. Parents should be asking their child about daily school work and monitoring their child’s daily progress. Parents should also keep in touch with the school to address any questions or concerns.

Transitioning from traditional school to online middle school is a big step. We welcome your questions and will do our very best to help your family with the transition to Excel Middle School. Middle school tuition is $ 1390 or $ 149 per month per school year. Our admissions counselors are standing by, so call us today at 800-620-3844 or 952-465-3700. Click here to enroll now.

Middle School Courses

6th grade (4 classes required, *5th course optional)
MS English 6
MS Math 6
MS Social Studies 6
MS Science 6

7th grade (5 classes required)
MS English 7
MS Math 7
MS Social Studies 7
MS Science 7
MS Elective 7

Online 8th Grade School Work

8th Grade (5 classes required)
MS English 8
MS Math 8
MS Social Studies 8
MS Science 8
MS Elective

Middle School Language

French 1
French 2
German 1
German 2
Spanish 1
Spanish 2

Best Online 8th Grade School

Online 8th Grade School


Free Online 8th Grade Lessons

Lifetime Fitness
Strategies for Academic Success
Online Learning and Digitial Citizenship