- Blackjack O'Hare is a cyborg hare and mercenary from Marvel Comics and a recurring rival of the hero Rocket Raccoon. He's the leader of the Black Bunny Brigade. He was created by Bill Mantlo and introduced in The Incredible Hulk no.271.
- Rocket in Blackjack O'Hare Clothes - 2017. Logged: Saturday, September 23, 2017 Tags: rocket raccoon gotg guardians of the galaxy Apelart NOTES: nerd-of-nerds liked this. Sparkyfireflower liked this.
- Movies Guardians of the Galaxy. Just as the system was about to start, however, a video on the monitor started to play with Blackjack O'Hare on screen.
- Blackjack O'Hare is a mercenary from Halfworld and leader of the Black Bunny Brigade. Working for the highest bidder, he worked for Judson Jakes and Lord Dyvyne, both rivals in toy production.
A cruel and merciless mercenary, Blackjack O'Hare sold his services to the highest bidder. Working for the malicious mole, Judson Jakes aboard Spacewheel, O'Hare and his Black Bunny Brigade launched a raid on the Cuckoo's Nest and stole Gideon's Bible for his employer. He also kidnapped the girlfriend of Rocket Raccoon at his master's behest.
Disney XD's webseries, Marvel's Rocket & Groot, continues with three episodes, one of which includes an old villain from Rocket's comic days… Blackjack O'Hare. The basis for the webseries is the duo of bounty hunters are trying to raid 3,000,000 credits to by a new ship. The full series will be collected and ran on Disney XD April 10th.
https://youtu.be/PpQFh6Zjod4Video can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: A Piece of Cake | Marvel's Rocket & Groot | Disney XD (https://youtu.be/PpQFh6Zjod4)https://youtu.be/tb6fk56vUvEVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Black Tie Only | Marvel's Rocket & Groot | Disney XD (https://youtu.be/tb6fk56vUvE)Blackjack O'hare Guardians Of The Galaxy S7
https://youtu.be/Pu7yBgEdxCwVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: The Space Race | Marvel's Rocket & Groot | Disney XD (https://youtu.be/Pu7yBgEdxCw)Blackjack O'hare Guardians Of The Galaxy S8
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Blackjack O'hare Guardians Of The Galaxy Telltale
Disney XD's webseries, Marvel's Rocket & Groot, continues with three episodes, one of which includes an old villain from Rocket's comic days… Blackjack O'Hare. The basis for the webseries is the duo of bounty hunters are trying to raid 3,000,000 credits to by a new ship. The full series will be collected and ran on Disney XD April 10th.
Blackjack O'hare Guardians Of The Galaxy S5

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